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Our deliverables in return for subscription payments
Your company agrees to make timely payments and our company agrees to:
- provide you with uninterrupted and responsive service;
- give you an unlimited storage space for attachments (individual attachments are limited to 50MB)
- unlimited customers to support;
- unlimited questions/requests to handle;
- unlimited FAQ/knowledgebase articles publishing;
- free unlimited 24/7 online customer support;
- free automatic life-time updates;
- stable price guarantee for as long as you remain subscribed to the CRMdesk.

CRMdesk is a prepaid hosted service. There is no contract, no sign-up fee, no cancellation fee. You pay as you go.
You may cancel your subscription at anytime, and we agree to return an unused portion of your balance (in monthly increments).
We reserve the rights to suspend your service if no payment was received and no payment arrangements were made.
Date Created
8/17/2005 2:11:27 PM
Date Updated
8/17/2005 2:13:25 PM
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