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Custom Registration integration
Support Desk
  Custom Registration
Date Created
6/23/2003 8:31:46 PM
Date Updated
10/4/2011 4:26:30 AM
How to integrate my existing customers' login information with your CRMdesk?
In order to integrate your registration form with CRMdesk, you just need to generate the following URL:


where <base64_encoded_info> consists from:


Password and Access parameters are optional and can be omitted.
Make sure that "My Stuff" tab is visible and the registration control is set to "Custom" or "Mixed" on the "Settings & Layout" subtab of the "Setup" tab.

Here is the sample code. You may even try it as is:

Save the customlogin.zip and extract it to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\

Enter any email and name, and the system will login you to:
(That is a CRMdesk demo site).

You should be able to submit your questions because you already logged in.
You may enter any email address and name, and the system will create a new user if email address is new, or you will login as an existing user if that email address already exists.
This sample automatically generates base64 encrypted string in the required format (see above).
Important part:
You need to switch registration to "custom" or "mixed" in the "Settings & Layout" page, as it is done in the following page:
Login: demo
Password: demo

Otherwise the login integration won't work.
Don't turn it to custom in your production site right away, until you prepare everything, otherwise your customers won't be able to login the old way.

We prepared this ASP sample for those who can't integrate ASPX pages with the company site, since ASP doesn't have a build-in functionality for base64 encryption.
Here is a fragment of .NET code that encrypts in base64:

string auth="email=a@a.com&name=test";
MemoryStream m=new MemoryStream();
StreamWriter w=new StreamWriter(m);
byte[] buf=m.ToArray();
string base64Auth=Convert.ToBase64String(buf,0,buf.Length);

See also Registration Control Overview
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